


  • Same active as Decis®
  • Excellent control of flea beetles, European corn borer, Colorado potato beetle, Potato flea beetle, and more.
  • Fast activity for quick control of target insects.
  • Excellent crop safety
  • Can be applied by ground or air.
  • Tank mixable with many other crop protection products
  • Maximum pre-harvest interval 7 days
  • Proven, effective insect control at an affordable price.

Please refer to the product label for complete and detailed information about this product. It contains essential guidelines and specifications to ensure proper usage and safety.

Active Ingredients

Mixing Instructions

1. Fill the spray tank 1/2 full of water, start sprayer agitation and continue throughout mixing and application process.

2. Add the required amount of any tank-mix partners as needed and continue agitation.

3. Add the required amount of DECIMATE INSECTICIDE to the tank.

4. Finish filling the tank with water and apply product.

5. Clean out sprayer thoroughly when application is complete.

Water volume

Ground: 10 to 25 US gallons/acre Aerial: 2 – 4 US gallons/acre Refer to the product label for specific insect water volume requirements.

Freezing Required


How it works

  • High water volumes are required to ensure proper coverage of the target pest.
  • DECIMATE INSECTICIDE is a contact insecticide and therefore needs to be applied when pests are actively feeding.
  • Optimal control occurs when applied between 15°C and 25°C. Best results will occur when the product is applied during the cooler portions of the day (for example early morning or at dusk). Do not apply when temperatures are above 25° C.
  • DECIMATE INSECTICIDE is fast acting and control should be seen when field inspected at re-entry (minimum 12 hours after application).
  • Do not apply DECIMATE INSECTICIDE more than 3 times per growing season.

