


  • Same active as Quadris®
  • Proven control of key diseases in canola and potatoes
  • Provides preventative and systemic fungicide activity
  • Improves overall plant health
  • Use in all soil zones
  • Tank mix with foliar nutrients and other foliar fungicides
  • Proven disease control at an affordable price

Please refer to the product label for complete and detailed information about this product. It contains essential guidelines and specifications to ensure proper usage and safety.

Active Ingredients

When to apply on crops

• Canola:
Sclerotinia: Apply at early bloom (prior to 30% flower)
• Potatoes: Prior to disease establishment
For soilborne diseases, apply in furrow

Water volume

See label for instructions by crop and disease. | Ground: minimum 10 US gallons/acre (40 L/ac), except potatoes in furrow (20-56 L/ac), seed corn (80 L/ac) | Aerial: minimum 5 US gallons/acre (20 L/acre). (Do not apply to seed corn or potato by air.

Rainfast period

1 hour

Mixing Instructions

  1. Fill the spray tank 1/2 full of water, start sprayer
    agitation, and continue agitation throughout mixing
    and spraying process.
  2. Add the required amount of any WG or DF
    formulation tank mix partner if needed.
  3. Add required amount of QUASI FUNGICIDE to the tank.
  4. Add any EC formulation tank mix partners to the
    tank if needed, finish filling the tank with water, and
    apply product.
  5. If application is stopped prior to completion, resuspend
    spray solution by full agitation prior to
    commencing spraying again.
  6. Clean out sprayer equipment thoroughly