


  • AgraCity exclusive product
  • Contains prothioconazole the #1 selling active ingredient for sclerotinia in canola
  • Broad-spectrum disease control with protective and curative action
  • Both systemic and contact activity
  • Multiple modes of action for resistance management
  • Early application timing to maximize yield potential
  • Premium sclerotinia and disease control at an affordable price

Please refer to the product label for complete and detailed information about this product. It contains essential guidelines and specifications to ensure proper usage and safety.

When to apply on crops


  • Sclerotinia stem rot: early bloom stage
  • Alternaria black spot: 2-6 leaf stage
  • Virulent blackleg: 2-6 leaf stage

Lentil, chickpea: Before disease is established and no later than the onset of flowering.

Soybean: R1 to R3 developmental stage

Water volume

Ground: Minimum 10 US gallons/ac (40 L/ac) | Aerial: Minimum 5 US gallons/ac (20 L/ac)

Rainfast period

1 hour

Mixing Instructions

  1. Fill the sprayer tank ½ full of water and begin agitation.
  2. Add the required quantity of QUASI® FUNGICIDE.
  3. Add the required amount of RAMBLER® FUNGICIDE.
  4. Add the required amount of adjuvant, and complete filling with water to the required volume.
  5. Maintain agitation throughout the mixing and application process.
  6. If application is stopped prior to completion and resuspend spray solution by full agitation prior to commencing spraying again.
  7. Clean out sprayer equipment thoroughly after application.