Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies in Your Crop

Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies in Your Crop




Identification of nutrient deficiencies, whether in the soil or in the crop, is the first step to determining a crop nutrition plan to suit your operation best. Soil testing before planting can help to understand the current nutrients in your soil, but what do you do when the crops have already sprouted and you’re seeing signs of possible deficiency? Determining what may be causing your crops to yellow, spot or wither can allow you to take the best action to remedy the issues.

Nutrient deficiencies can look different across crops, depending on the nutrient that is lacking. For example, zinc deficiency in soybeans and peas will likely present as yellowing or whitening of the leaves and leaf chlorosis, or death. On the other hand, boron deficiency in canola can present a stunted appearance and hollow lesions in the stems.

Many nutrient deficiencies can appear similarly, so a tissue sample test is the best way to determine what your crop really needs. Supplying extra nitrogen when what you’re seeing is actually a sulfur deficiency can exacerbate deficiency symptoms and make your crop worse off.

You can avoid deficiencies in your crops by giving them the nutrients they need to thrive. Micro-Phos Micro-Pack, Micro-Phos Copper and Micro-Phos Zinc have got you covered, so you don’t have to spend time worrying about yellowing leaves next season. Micro-Phos is an excellent option for grey-wooded soils, which tend to have low soil levels of all nutrients.

Check out our blog on the benefits of using Micro-Phos and why it’s so important for your crops to get the nutrients they need to maximize yields.

Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies in Your Crop