
4 Reasons to Buy From AgraCity
At AgraCity, we’re committed to providing Canadian farmers with the largest portfolio of crop protect...

Understanding Herbicide Resistance: How Did It Develop and How Can Growers Manage This Issue?
What is herbicide resistance? When we talk about herbicide resistance, we are usually referring to a...

Effective Weed Control for Canola in Western Canada
Weed control is a critical aspect of successful canola production in Western Canada. Weeds compete wi...

The Nutrients Needed to Maximize Yields – Micro-Phos
Just like you need the right combination of macro and micronutrients to fuel your body, your crops al...

A History of Innovation
At AgraCity, constant innovation is at the core of what we do. AgraCity is Canada's leading solution...

What Is The Best Application Timing For Pre-seed or Reduced Tillage Herbicide Application?
Depending on where you farm, pre-seed herbicide application time could still be weeks away, so there ...

Understanding different kinds of Adjuvants and Surfactants
Understanding Different Kinds of Adjuvants And Surfactants Many herbicides and fungicides on the mar...

AgraCity’s Product Performance Guarantee: Peace of Mind in the Ever-Changing Farming Landscape
1. Scout your fields to determine if pre-seed herbicide is required. If a field had an application o...

Choosing the Right Fertilizers for Successful Canola Cultivation
Canola farming in Western Canada presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. To ensure a s...

Managing Herbicide Resistance
In the past several decades, many Canadian farmers have seen firsthand the challenge of herbicide res...

Kochia: What Can Farmers Do to Manage This Problem Weed?
Kochia has become a troublesome weed for growers across western Canada, and the problem seems to be g...

Identifying Nutrient Deficiencies in Your Crop
Identification of nutrient deficiencies, whether in the soil or in the crop, is the first step to det...

How Can You Improve Your Herbicide Performance This Year?
With herbicides being a significant part of your crop input costs every year, it makes sense to think...

Ideas To Manage Pulse Crop Inputs
With input costs on the rise, unpredictable markets and variable weather, what can you do to manage y...

The Most Common Questions That Agronomists Get Regarding Herbicide Application
Mixing What is a general mixing order when tank mixing herbicides? The general mixing order is repr...

Tips on Effective Sprayer Tank Cleanout
Herbicide application in western Canada is complex with many different factors that need to be consid...

Managing Pest and Disease Challenges in Western Canada’s Cereal Crops
his blog delves into the pest and disease challenges faced by cereal crops in Western Canada and the ...

How can you Maximize your Return on Investment with Fungicides this year?
The decision to apply fungicide can be complex, and maximizing your return on investment is important...

AgraCity’s Product Performance Guarantee: Peace of Mind in the Ever-Changing Farming Landscape
Explore the essence of farming resilience in Canada with AgraCity’s exclusive Product Performance Gua...

How Can You Maximize the Performance of Your Post-Harvest Herbicide This Year?
With an earlier harvest this year than in previous years, it is a good time to consider post-harvest ...

Three Benefits of Using Micro-Phos
We all know supplying your crops with the right nutrients through fertilizer is an important part of ...

Swathing vs. Direct Combining for Canola Harvest
Good agronomic practices play a crucial role in achieving optimal canola yields, but the importance o...